Promises Plus

Looking back at his first year in office, Donald Trump bombastically told Republicans at a GOP retreat in West Virginia on Thursday that this past year was one of the greatest years in the history of politics.

“For the last 12 months,” Trump said, “I have kept one promise after another, and we’re just getting started.

And then, in true Tumpian style, he said, “We’ve fulfilled far more promises than we promised.” And then he added, “I call it ‘promises plus.’”

Fulfilled more promises than he made? Seriously, you just can’t make this shit up.

Friday Non-Fictioneers

img_0579I admit that when I saw Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ photo for this week’s Friday Fictioneers prompt, the only thing that came to mind was my wife’s complaint that the sound that comes out of my mouth when I’m sleeping is like that of sawing logs.AB9A788F-5C9F-4FE4-9212-685FD82F6786I was puzzled as I tried to come up with my 100-word flash fiction post for Rochelle’s prompt. After all, writing about what my wife hears when I’m sleeping next to her is not exactly flash fiction, is it?

But wait, maybe it is. I never hear myself snoring. I bet she’s making it all up.

(100 words)

Written for this week’s Friday Fictioneers prompt from Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. And for today’s one-word prompt, “puzzled.”

#writephoto — Swan Lake

7A563CD9-929C-4D68-97B1-9E3E7391A0ADThere were many origin stories for what became known as the “swan shrine.”

Some claim the obelisk served as a grave marker or tombstone carved by the ancient, indigenous people who occupied this land tens of thousands of years ago. The theory was that this stone stele was erected as a monument for commemorative purposes. The belief was that the site was used to bury one of their kings or high priests. But when archeologists first dug into the ground around the rock, no evidence of the site being used as an ancient burial ground was found.

The truth of the obelisk’s origin, though, dates back only a few hundred years to the farmer who originally owned this property. At that time there was a large lake on the farmer’s land and the lake was inhabited by the most magnificent white swans any of the locals had ever seen.

The farmer would come out every day and feed his beautiful swans. But something happened that turned the lake waters putrid and all of the farmer’s beloved swans died. He was bereft and almost inconsolable at the loss of the swans he so cherished. Ultimately he had to dredge the lake and fill it with soil, as nothing he tried was able to purify the water.

Once he had reclaimed the land, he took a large boulder and crafted a shrine for his swans. He etched crude images of three of them on its face and carved-out a deep-set, triangular arch toward the top of the obelisk to hold offerings and to light candles, which he did every day at the same time that he used to feed his swans.

After the farmer’s death, his land, along with the shrine, were purchased from his heirs by the city. The city dug out a new lake, which is now populated by numerous ducks, geese, and beautiful white swans. The farmer’s swan shrine overlooks what is now known as “Swan Lake.”

Written for this week’s Thursday Photo Prompt from Sue Vincent.