100 Word Wednesday — The Thing

977D9A86-06A3-46B9-8A01-3546FD13B6E7“Hey, I see a Thing in the side mirror.”

“What thing?”

Walt looked over at Jason, who was driving. “Not a thing, a Thing.”

Jason looked at his passenger. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Dumbass, a Thing!” Walt responded.

“What the fuck are you talking about? What kind of thing?”

“Sheesh,” Walt sighed. “I’m talking about the Volkswagen Thing. It was a two-wheel drive, four-door convertible made by Volkswagen in the 70’s.

“I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about,” Jason said.

“Forget about it,” Walt said. “The Thing turned right at the last intersection.”

(96 words)

Written for Bikurgurl’s 100 Word Wednesday prompt.


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I generally don’t believe in coincidences. But then I saw a comment on one of my recent posts by my blogger friend, Jim Adams. He wrote, “I just Googled ‘money is almost always a restriction’ and the first thing that came up was your post. That is so awesome.”

So I tried it and, sure enough, there was my post at the very top of the list of responses!


So, was it just a coincidence that Jim looked up that line from my post in Google and saw that it topped the list? Or was it preordained that someday some post that I wrote would be in the top spot on a Google search (albeit, a very specific search)?

Something like this could make one reevaluate his whole system of beliefs!

Written for today’s one-word prompt, “coincidence.”

One-Liner Wednesday — Science


“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it. ”

Neil deGrasse Tyson

And the corollary for our times, denying science (e.g., climate change) doesn’t make it any less true.

Written for this week’s One-Liner Wednesday prompt from Linda G. Hill.

Day 27 — No Restrictions

IMG_2619Day 27: If there were no restrictions such as money or employment, where would you most like to live?

“…no restrictions such as money…”? Seriously? When it comes to where you live, money is almost always a restriction.

However, to answer this hypothetical question, I would want to live someplace relatively isolated and near the ocean where I would be able hear the sounds of the surf crashing rhythmically onto the rocks below the cliff on which my modest bungalow sits.

Written for the 27th day of Suzanne McClendon’s September “back where I come from” challenge.