One-Minute Fiction — Too Bad, So Sad

I received two notices in the mail yesterday. One was from the electric company. The other was from the telephone company. They both told me that the large evergreen tree in my front yard would have to be taken down. The electric company said that the tree was a hazard to the power lines. The telephone company said that the tree was a hazard to the telephone lines. Both letters gave me until the end of the month to remove the tree. At my expense.

I got three estimates from tree removal companies. They ranged from $800 to $1,500. I can’t afford that. So I contacted the electric company and the telephone company and said that if they want that tree down, they have to take it down themselves.

The electric company threatened to shut down my electricity if I didn’t comply. The telephone company threatened to shut down my phone service if I didn’t comply.

It’s a good thing I put in a whole house generator a few years back and that I no longer have a landline because I use my cell phone exclusively.

So too bad, so sad, electric and telephone company. You want that tree gone? Do it yourselves.

Written for Cyranny’s One Minute Fiction prompt. Photo credit: Cyranny.

Friday Fictioneers — The Fortress

DFE22E21-E6EF-4B29-BA5C-2C94BFF770E4When Charlie saw the large county truck pull up to his house, he ran outside, planted himself in front of the large, old tree, and shouted, “No!”

The foreman of the crew addressed Charlie. “Look kid,” he said, “we’re just doing our job. This tree has to come down. Its branches hang over the street and it’s dangerous. Besides, this old tree’s seen better days.”

Tears welled in Charlie’s eyes. “This tree is my fortress, my castle. You can’t take it away from me.”

“It’s not me, kid, it’s the county,” the foreman said, signaling his crew to get started.

(100 words)

Written for this week’s Friday Fictioneers from Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Photo by Sandra Cook.