Sunday Poser — Effortless?

For today’s Sunday Poser, Sadje wants to know…

Which is one topic that you can write about effortlessly? Do you have any topic writing on which comes easily to you? Something you often write about?

I enjoy writing about my perspectives, opinions, and viewpoints about politics, religion, society, and current events, but posts on those topics are never written effortlessly. Sure, I have my opinions, and I think I can express them effectively, but I want to make sure that the information I’ve used to inform my opinions is reliable, and that requires checking multiple sources. In today’s world of biased sources and misinformation, that takes time and effort.

That said, once I feel confident in the veracity of my sources and data, the actual writing flows pretty smoothly.

I have cut back a little on political posts because the current state of politics in the U.S. is, well, depressing, so I’ve been responding to prompts by writing short flash fiction posts, which I really enjoy. I call these single-scene stories because they are short posts, anywhere from 150 to 300 words, and most of them take place in a single scene. I have a lot of fun writing those.

I will occasionally attempt to write a poem or two, but I’m not very good at poetry. Writing poetry is definitely not effortless for me and I admire those who can whip out engaging poetry so easily (or at least seemingly easily).

Truthful Tuesday — Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Frank, aka PCGuyIV, is back with another episode of Truthful Tuesday. The idea behind Truthful Tuesday is for us to respond to the question (or questions) Frank asks and to be 100% truthful in our responses. No glib answers, no funny business, no fibs. Just raw honesty.

For this week’s Truthful Tuesday, Frank wants to know…

Are there certain topics that you won’t discuss or questions you won’t answer on your blog? If it doesn’t give too much away, what are some or all of those topics or questions? Regardless of you answer, what’s the reasoning behind it?

I blog anonymously because I want to maintain a certain degree of privacy and attempt to protect my identity from falling into the hands of potential bad actors. So, I don’t share my real name or the real names of any of my family members. I also don’t post photos of me or my family members on my blog.

That said, most of my readers know I live in the San Francisco Bay Area in an unnamed East Bay town. They know I have a daughter and a son, each married, and that I have two young grandchildren. They know I hobbled myself when I fell off a ladder last January and have been struggling in my rehab. They know I’m retired, that I’m a liberal Democrat and an atheist. They know I drive an electric car and that my wife and I have e-bikes.

What else they know about me is anybody’s guess. Despite blogging anonymously, I’m sure if someone was bound and determined enough, they could crack my real identity.

They’d be disappointed.