Share Your World — All Hope is Lost

Share Your WorldIt’s Monday and that means it’s time once again for Melanie to prompt us to Share Your World with her. Here’s what she asks us to share today.

What’s the tallest building you’ve been to the top of?

The World Trade Center in New York before it was felled by airplanes flying into the towers on 9-11.

What do you do to keep fit?

Walk and stretch.

What’s your jack-o-lantern carved to look like?

I haven’t carved a jack-o-lantern since my kids were in high school.

Do you have hope or have you lost it?

I’ve always thought of myself as a glass half-full guy, but right now I have lost hope for America. I think that, if all the votes in next week’s elections were counted in a fair, honest way, Joe Biden would win the election and be our next president and this Trumpian nightmare would finally be over. But I’ve lost hope that, with all of the shenanigans that the Republicans are pulling, with the aid of Russia and some other foreign sources, and with GOP voter suppression and ballots lost or tossed, this will not be a fair election and that Donald Trump will, possibly via the Supreme Court’s 6-3 conservative majority (three of the nine justices appointed by Trump), not be removed from the White House. Or, if by some miracle, Biden is ultimately declared the winner, Trump will not go quietly, and his Proud Boys, QAnon, and right-wing militia friends will take to the streets and chaos will ensue.

So do I have hope or have I lost it? As of today, I’ve lost it. Ask me again on January 20, 2021 and I may have a different answer.