TMP — Remote Overload

Every Monday, Paula Light, with her The Monday Peeve prompt, gives us an opportunity to vent or rant about something that pisses us off. What pisses me off today is the fact that I have four TV remote control devices sitting on my coffee table in my living room. Four!

Back in the day, all anyone really needed was one TV remote control. A single device to turn the TV on and off, to change channels, and to adjust the volume. Easy peasy.

Things are different today. Take a look at the picture above. The remote on the left is for the TV itself and I use it to change the signal source from the satellite dish to the streaming channels. I also use it to connect to the Bluetooth headphones I wear when watching TV.

Next to that is the remote control for Dish, the satellite service we use. Other than when we’re streaming, we use Dish for watching live TV and for programs we recorded on our DVR. Then there’s our Roku remote control for when we’re watching streaming channels like Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Apple TV, and Discovery Plus.

The device on the right is for Flex, the streaming service from Comcast, although truth be told, we rarely use that device.

There is a silver lining, though, to this whole remote control overload situation. My wife and I used to fight over control of the remote control, but now she has ceded control of the remote controls to me. I feel like the all powerful Oz!