Tell the Story Challenge

e4348f4e-87aa-4ba4-b155-d1f8fc462925Teresa, The Haunted Wordsmith, tagged me for this Tell the Story Challenge, where, when tagged, we are supposed to 1) write something in response to the photo you are given (above), 2) pick a picture of your own (at the end of the post), and 3) tag three other bloggers to do the same. Here’s my take on the image Teresa gave me (and two other bloggers):

“I’m not feeling anything yet,” Larry said. “How long does this shit take to kick in?”

“Give it a chance to get into your system, dude,” Craig said. “Haven’t you ever dropped acid before?”

“First time,” Larry admitted.

“Okay,” Craig said. “I’m gonna fire up some Hendrix on the stereo. I’ll light the lava lamp, too.”

“Maybe you should turn on the TV,” Larry suggested.

“In a few minutes you won’t need at TV,” Craig said. “Just relax and focus on the wallpaper, dude.”

Larry was nervous about having taken LSD for the first time, but he trusted his friend and decided to go with the flow. He stretched his long, lanky body out on the beanbag chair and stared at the floral pattern in the wallpaper.

A few minutes passed before Larry noticed that the wallpaper seemed to be shimmering and the small floral pattern was in motion. “What’s happening to your wallpaper, Craig?” Larry asked. “It’s changing colors, the pattern is shifting, it’s, like, breathing.”

“Don’t go freakin’ out on me, dude,” Craig said. “The acid’s kicking in, so just relax and enjoy the show.”

“Oh man, something’s happening here.” Larry said. His whole body felt like it was vibrating. “It’s me up there, man. I’m sitting on a sliver of the moon, which has a face in profile and it’s smiling at me. We’re high up in these fluffy clouds. Some are white and some are like blueish grayish. And I’m surrounded by hot air balloons and there’s a flock of blackbirds flying around in the distance. This is far fucking out, man. Are you seeing this too?”

“No, dude. That’s your trip,” Larry said. “I’m watching a different channel.”

Okay. My three tags go to:

Susan at The Abstract Muse

JP The Wild-Eyed Wanderer

The Write Brain Widow

Let’s what kind of story they can tell about this image:023fc58f-9fb1-4dc1-9741-77751faad2e5Photo credit: Rawkkim @ Unsplash.