Share Your World — My World is Too Damn Hot


Melanie’s Share Your World prompt asks us to answer questions that enable us to share our worlds with our fellow bloggers. So let me answer her questions so I can share my world with all of you.

What do fish do all day? What thoughts do you think they have?

Fish, at least the ones who haven’t been caught by fishermen, swim around all day. What thoughts do they have? Well today, the fish in San Francisco are probably thinking how happy they are to be fish swimming around in nice, cool water. Because the humans in San Francisco are dealing today with freakishly hot temperatures.BF8A8395-877F-49B0-B0EB-7750A9CBE0AD

What celebrity would you have as a SPOUSE, if you HAD to choose?

I don’t know. Maybe that “washed up psycho Bette Midler” since she earned the ire of that crazy fuck, Donald Trump.E0784534-E123-4BB5-BEC3-28ECD54AFB42

What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever broken?

A car that I totaled in an accident, although it wasn’t my fault. It never is, dammit.

When was the last time you slept more than 9 hours in a stretch?  Why?

Nine hours? Seriously, I feel lucky if I can get six hours in a stretch. Why? Why what? Why can’t I sleep for more than nine hours in a stretch? Probably because I can’t go for nine hours in a stretch without having to get up an take a piss.

An Attitude of Gratitude!

Share something you were really grateful for this year (so far):

I’m grateful to all of the people who take time out of their busy days to read, like, and comment on my posts and who follow my blog. Thank you all.