One-Liner Wednesday — Open-Minded


“People are very open-minded about new things — as long as they’re exactly like the old ones.”

American inventor Charles F. Kettering

Yeah, I know. My One-Liner Wednesday post from last week was also about open-mindedness. And truth be told, this is actually my third One-Liner Wednesday post on essentially this same topic, because I also posted this one last November.

So why am I posting so many One-Liner Wednesday quotes about being open-minded? It’s because I have recently had some contentious interactions, both in the real world and within the blogosphere, with individuals who seem to be stubbornly closed-minded. Facts, logic, reason, or rationality could not sway them or penetrate their thick skulls.

So possessing an open mind — or not — is at the forefront of my consciousness.

Written for this week’s One-Liner Wednesday prompt from Linda G. Hill.