Acapulco Gold.

Mark slowly opened his eyes. He looked around the small room, but nothing looked familiar. He sat up, heard a groaning sound to his left, and saw that there was a girl sleeping next to him, but he had no idea who she was.

He tried to remember how he got here but the whole night was a blur. He got out of the bed and hunted for his clothes, which were strewn around the room. He quickly dressed and took one last look at the girl in the bed. Whoever she was, she was still soundly sleeping.

Mark opened the bedroom door and heard the sound of laughter coming from downstairs. He still couldn’t remember whose house this was or how he ended up here sharing a bed with that girl.

He made his way downstairs, following the sound of the laughter, which led him to the kitchen. “Ah, sleeping beauty has finally stirred,” the male sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee said. “How was your repose last night?” The guy asked, a sly smile on his face. “Coffee?”

“Do I know you?” Mark asked.

“Oh, sorry, dude,” the guy said. “I’m Alex and this,” gesturing toward the girl seated across from him, “is Sarah.”

“Who is that girl upstairs?” Mark asked.

“That’s Cindy. The two of you really seemed to hit it off last night.”

Mark was still confused. “How did I end up here?”

“You really don’t remember?” Alex said.

“The last thing I remember was sitting at the bar at Lou’s Tavern eating a bacon cheeseburger and drinking a beer.”

“So you don’t remember Cindy sitting next to you and inviting you to party over here at our place?”

Mark shook his head. “Not really. Hey, I’ll take that coffee now.”

“Take a load off, dude,” Alex said, pointing to a kitchen table chair. As if on cue, Sarah got up, poured some coffee into a mug, and asked Mark how he takes it.

“Black is fine.” Sarah set it down in front of Mark, who took several sips, hoping it would refresh his memory of the night before.

“Anyway,” Alex said, “after you and Cindy left Lou’s together, the two of you drove here and we all passed around a bong with some fresh from the farm Acapulco gold. It’s, like, cannabis on fucking steroids, dude.”

Mark shook his head again, trying to clear out the cobwebs. A little of what happened started to reach the surface. “That shit must be really potent,” he said. “I still can’t remember much of anything.”

Cindy, wearing a robe, walked into the kitchen, leaned over, kissed Mark on the cheek, and said, “Last night was amazing.”

Alex broke out laughing. “Maybe for you, Cindy. This guy doesn’t remember a damn thing.”

“That’s a shame,” Cindy said. Then she walked over to a kitchen cabinet, pulled out the bong, opened up a jar, and put a small amount of cannabis into the bowl. She placed it on the table in front of Mark and said, “Hair of the dog, sweetie. Take a toke and then let’s do an encore that I will make sure you won’t forget.”

Written for these daily prompts: Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (blur), Ragtag Daily Prompt (laughter), Your Daily Word Prompt (repose), Word of the Day Challenge (fresh), The Daily Spur (gold), and MMA Storytime (steroids).

100 Word Wednesday — The Encore


The lead singer came back onto the stage and held up both of his hands to quiet the excited audience down after a few minutes of wild cheering and calls for an encore.

He kept both hands up until it became silent enough in the large arena that you could hear that proverbial pin drop.

The silence lasted for around thirty seconds before he grabbed the neck of his guitar with his left hand and brought his right hand down to the body and across the strings as he began the riff to the song everyone had been waiting for.

Written for this week’s 100 Word Wednesday challenge from Bikurgurl.

Photo credit: Don Naman Photography 2017