#WDYS — Like a Moth

He was like a moth
A moth attracted to light
A light at the end of the tunnel
A tunnel under the canopy of trees
Trees that stretched to the horizon
A horizon on the other side of the pond
A pond with a surface like a mirror
A mirror he cracked when he dove in
In his quest to reach the light
A light that he was attracted to
Attracted to like he was a moth

Written for Sadje’s What Do You See prompt. Photo credit: Casey Horner @ Unsplash.

Friday Fictioneers — Stormy Weather

8EFE1720-3941-4A87-B09B-7AAF2E57368F“The forecast is calling for rain this weekend,” Anna said. “Maybe we should put off the yard sale until next weekend.”

“Don’t be silly, Anna,” Dick said. “I’ve advertised it on Craigslist and I’ve put up posters all around the neighborhood. Besides, I rented one of those booth canopy tent-like things, so if it does rain, we can move everything under that to keep it all dry.”

“Okay, Dick,” Anna said.

No one, least of all Dick, was prepared for the severity of the thunderstorm that passed through that weekend. Dick’s booth canopy tent-like thing didn’t stand a chance.

(99 words)

Written for this week’s Friday Fictioneers prompt from Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Photo credit: Jan Wayne Fields.