The “Save as Draft” Option is Gone!

The latest version of Jetpack for iOS (v24.9) automatically updated at some point today and the “Save as Draft” option when you tap the three buttons just to the left of “Publish” has disappeared.

Where did it go and how do we now start writing a post but want to save it as a draft for later so we can come back and make edits and proof it before we publish it?

Has anyone else using the iOS app noticed this and do you have an answer?


MLMM Photo Challenge — The Last Straw

The nerve of some of these people. They come over to my home to visit me and they behave like barbarians. Did you hear that one guy who kept calling me “Toots.” How mortifying is that? And then his buddy calls out and wants to know when I’m going to perform a fan dance.

Just who do these idiots think I am? I happen to be the alpha male at this venue, but these humans are so stupid that just because I have this beautiful tale with these gorgeous iridescent feathers that I show off when I strut my stuff, they think I’m a female.

The last straw, though, was when some jerk called out, “Hey, Babe, come on and shake a tailfeather for me.” I jumped down off the railing and hopped over to that smug asshole and would have pecked the dumb sombitch to death had not my keeper intervened.

Written for Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Photo Challenge. Photo credit: Sarah Whiley.

Judy’s Numbers Game — #23

Judy Dykstra-Brown has come up with a weekly prompt that she calls “The Numbers Game.” This week’s number is 144. To play along, we need to go to our media/photo file and type that number into the search bar. Then post a selection of the photos we find under that number and include a link to our post back to Judy’s Numbers Game post of the week.

Here’s my collection of photos based upon “144.” All of the photos below have appeared in my blog posts. Some are photos posted by other bloggers as photo prompts. Some are screenshots or photos that I took. A few may have been generated by AI art apps, but most are photos I grabbed from free photo sources like Pixabay, Pexels, Pinterest, Unsplash, or Google photos.

Click on any photo to enlarge.

Four Line Fiction — Success

After many long days and as many late nights, the scientists and engineers could sense that they were close.

Their excitement was palpable, the anticipation overwhelming.

It was time to test their latest formula and the entire team gathered around the stainless steel table as the refined compound was poured from the beaker.

At long last, liquid sunshine was a reality.

Written for Greg’s Four Line Fiction prompt. Photo credit: Christopher Payne from his book “Made In America.”