WDYS — It’s a Cat

“That’s weird,” Ellen said.

“What’s weird?” her husband Will asked.

“That wall art,” Ellen responded.

“You mean that surrealistic black cat on the red background?”

“Yeah,” Ellen said. “Did you notice that there is a pheasant where the cat’s head is supposed to be.”

“Ellen, I think that cannabis-infused gummy we just took is already starting to kick in for you. That cat has a cat’s head sitting right on top of its pink and black striped neck, plain as day,” Will said.

“Will,” Ellen said, “look closely. The cat’s ear on the left is definitely shaped like a bird’s head. And where the cat’s other ear should be, it’s shaped more like the feathery tail of a pheasant.”

“Hmm, you may be onto something,” Will admitted. “It’s like a cat’s face was superimposed over the silhouette of a pheasant. And the cat’s other eye just looks like a hole with the red background showing through. But wait, is that a small cat’s head looking back at us through that hole where the cat’s other eye should be? This is fucking awesome.”

“I know,” Ellen said enthusiastically. “Do you see that little hummingbird next to the cat on its left?”

“Oh yeah, I see it now, too,” Will said. “How did you notice that? I’m still focused on the hole in the pheasant’s body with the tiny cat looking back out at me. I think I just saw it smile at me and purr.”

“And I thought I saw that hummingbird fly from the right of the cat across its body to the left side of the cat,” Ellen said.

“Did you see the cat’s big tail just move?” Will asked.

“No, but these gummies we had are really potent,” Ellen said, “and this cat, with a pheasant’s head and a hummingbird flying around it, is really drawing me in. I think this is the greatest piece of art I have ever seen. I want it for our apartment.”

“No worries, babe,” Will said as he took out his smartphone and started taking photos of the wall art. “I’ll take a few photos and we can blow up the photos we like best and hang them in our living room.”

“I don’t want photos,” Ellen said. “I want the original. Don’t you have a hammer and chisel at home? Go get it and come back and we’ll chisel it out of this wall.”

“These gummies are, indeed, potent,” Will said. “Let’s go back to our apartment before that pheasant-headed cat jumps off the wall mural and starts scratching your eyes out.”

“I love you, Will,” Ellen said. “Now take me home and ravage me. And make sure that stupid cat doesn’t follow us.”

Written for Sadje’s What Do You See. Photo credit: Jon Tyson @ Unsplash.

12 thoughts on “WDYS — It’s a Cat

  1. Sadje May 23, 2024 / 3:57 am

    I can say that you have both a powerful observation and imagination. Well done with the story Fandango. Thanks for joining in.

    Liked by 1 person

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