MFFFC — With a View

“Should one of us head down the mountain to see if we can get a cell signal to call the park service about coming up here to retrieve his body?” Dave asked the others in the group.

“You know that Bob is — or should I say was — all alone in this world. No wife, no kids. And he always said he wanted to be buried someplace where there was a view,” Jerry said. “So maybe we should wrap him up in the canvas from his tent and dig a grave up here at the summit.”

“You’re right, Jerry, there’s no one down in the valley to take him, anyway,” Mitch said. So whaddya say, Dave, shall we start digging?”

“Hold on,” Dave said. “Don’t you think the authorities might find it suspicious if we tell them that he cracked open his head from a fall, so we buried him at the summit? They might want to examine the body, do an autopsy to make sure it was an accidental death and not a murder. We could all be suspects, you know.”

“Shit, Dave, you’ve been watching too many detective stories on TV,” Bob said. “We just need to bring his valuables with us, like his watch, his wallet, and his camera, hand them over to the park service, and take a picture of the grave we dug. As Mitch said, he’s got no relatives or anyone else to ask questions or demand an autopsy.”

Dave shrugged his shoulders and said fine. “You guys start digging and I’ll go find some wood we can use to make a cross.”

“Wait, wasn’t Bob Jewish?” Jerry said.

“He don’t care, Jerry. He’s dead,” Dave said. “Start digging. I’ll make the cross.”

Written for Melissa’s Fandango Flash Fiction Challenge. Photo credit: eberhard ✋🏻grossgasteiger on Unsplash.

WDP — Cold Weather

Daily writing prompt
How do you feel about cold weather?

Generally speaking, I prefer cold weather to hot weather. When the weather is cold, you can dress for it — jackets, scarves, sweaters, hats, gloves, etc. — to keep warm. But in the summer, when it’s really hot and muggy, short of staying inside an air conditioned building, there’s not much you can do to escape the heat and humidity. Sure, you can strip naked, but you’d be likely to get arrested for doing so in most places outside of your home.

That doesn’t mean I like extreme cold, either. I lived in Chicago for three years and when the temperatures dipped down to forty degrees below zero before windchill, which they did a few times while I lived there, I didn’t like that one bit.

Before we moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, my wife and I lived in Massachusetts, where the winters were frigid and snowy, which was one of the factors that led us to move all the way across the country.

Here, winters are cool, but not really cold. Rarely does the temperature where we live dip below freezing. Unfortunately, our summers on the East Bay can get very hot — 100°F or more multiple times — between mid-June and mid-September.

That explains my being naked in my house (and sometimes in my backyard) in the summer. No peeking!

Share Your World — 05/20/2024

Share Your World

Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. Here are her questions for this week.

1. Do you have a favorite movie you never tire of watching?

Quite possibly my favorite movie of all time is Mel Brooks’ “Young Frankenstein,” which I’ve probably seen about a dozen times. It always makes me laugh but I try to limit seeing it no more often than every other year or so because I don’t want it to grow stale.

2. Do you have a favorite song or special song as a couple?

When my wife and I were dating, I introduced her to Jackson Browne by taking her to a concert at the DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, DC, where Browne was the headliner and the band Orleans opened up for him. Then we went to see Browne at the Merriweather Post Pavillion in Columbia, MD, at which concert he recorded his live album, “Running on Empty.” So anytime we hear a track from that album, we consider it to be “our song.”

3. How do you relax in the evenings?

We usually have dinner between 6 and 7 pm and then watch some TV (these days mostly British detective series on BritBox) until around 9:00, when we take out our dog for her last walk. We may finish watching whatever show we were watching when we get back from the dog walk and usually, by around 10:00, we head to the bedroom. Yeah, I know. Very exciting life.

4. Do you celebrate special birthdays or anniversaries?

We acknowledge all family birthdays and anniversaries and usually have parties for the grandkids’ birthdays. We may also plan celebratory dinners or gatherings for birthdays and anniversaries.

Judy’s Numbers Game — #22

Judy Dykstra-Brown has come up with a weekly prompt that she calls “The Numbers Game.” This week’s number is 143. To play along, we need to go to our media/photo file and type that number into the search bar. Then post a selection of the photos we find under that number and include a link to our blog back to Judy’s Numbers Game blog of the week.

Here’s my collection of photos based upon “143.” All of the photos below have appeared in my blog posts. Some are photos posted by other bloggers as photo prompts. Some are screenshots or photos that I took. A few may have been generated by AI art apps, but most are photos I grabbed from free photo sources like Pixabay, Pexels, Pinterest, Unsplash, or Google photos.

Click on any photo to enlarge.

FOWC with Fandango — Officer


Welcome to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (U.S.).

Today’s word is “officer.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Please check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, ÿplease manually add your link in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. Show them some love.