Share Your World — 10/23/2023

Share Your World

Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. Here are her SYW questions for today.

1. When food shopping, do you prefer to shop online or in person?

It depends upon what we need. For packaged goods, like cereals, milk, eggs, breads, soda, paper products, and sundries, I prefer online shopping and delivery. For fresh veggies, fruits, and meat/poultry/fish, I prefer in-person shopping.

2. Do you take/stick to a shopping list?

I put together a list I have prepared on my iPhone and pretty much go by that list. I try to keep my impulse purchases to a minimum.

3. Do you shop around or are you store loyal for convenience?

There are primarily two stores I shop at: Safeway and Whole Foods Market. I get most of my packaged goods at Safeway and most of my meat/poultry/fish and fresh organic produce at Whole Foods Market.

4. Roughly how long does it take you to do a weekly shop?

Between Safeway and Whole Foods Market, and between ordering online and shopping in person, I’d estimate three hours a week.

4 thoughts on “Share Your World — 10/23/2023

  1. pensitivity101 October 23, 2023 / 6:08 am

    Thanks for sharing your world Fandango. Interesting about shopping time. To be honest, Ive never really thought about it on a weekly basis, but going in and out of a shop can be fifteen to forty five minutes depending on how much I’ve got to get and the queues at the checkouts!
    We don’t have Safeway here in the UK anymore and believe it was bought out by Morrisons. Whenever I hear the name now, I always think of Brad Pitt (aka Boy Scout) in Spy Game!

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  2. Carol anne October 23, 2023 / 10:03 am

    You can’t beat in person shopping to get fresh fruit and veggies! Or meat!

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  3. Marilyn Armstrong October 23, 2023 / 2:06 pm

    You spend more time than we do. Of course, there IS no whole food market nearby. I could get a whole food delivery via Amazon — and occasionally, I have, especially in the middle of winter when I want fruit and no one else has any. But they are really expensive and we have to be very careful.

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  4. leigha66 November 1, 2023 / 4:06 pm

    Safeway… I miss that store. We had one in town when I was a kid. Now I don’t know if there are any in the state anymore. I know I always loved the round conveyor belt (I know, simple people are amused by simple things ha, ha!) I do agree though that fresh produce and meat is better to buy in person.

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