Much Ado About Nothing?

Yesterday there were some posts going around, including mine, suggesting that WordPress was consolidating down to two plans: a scaled-back free plan, and a professional blogger-level Pro plan at $180 a year. This created quite the brouhaha among us casual, hobby bloggers.

I opened up a help ticket on WordPress asking if this were true, but as of this morning, I have not received a response. But my blogging buddy Jim Adams, who must have more clout with WordPress than I do, contacted WordPress, and he was told that “that the Personal, Premium, Business, and eCom plans are not being discontinued. The Pro plan has been introduced in addition to these plans and is currently only available for the FREE sites.”

So it seems that we were all up in arms over something that won’t adversely affect most of us. Thank you, Jim, for giving us the real skinny on this matter. What a relief.

I contacted WordPress because there was a lot of chatter going on yesterday about WordPress canceling the Personal, Premium, Business, and eCommerce …

Renewed My Subscription

18 thoughts on “Much Ado About Nothing?

  1. Carol anne April 3, 2022 / 7:22 am

    awesome! I am on the personal plan. I’m glad they’ll continue their plans as is.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Marilyn Armstrong April 3, 2022 / 7:34 am

    It’s only a matter of time. They will do it eventually. As I said, they are already raising prices, so $10 by $10, they’ll get there.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Maggie April 3, 2022 / 8:24 am

    The documentation still only shows two plans available. I am not convinced. Does your dashboard still show all plans available?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango April 3, 2022 / 10:28 am

      Yes, mine still shows all of the plans EXCEPT the Pro plan.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Maggie April 3, 2022 / 10:31 am

        So it is a bold move to eliminate free plans.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Paula Light April 3, 2022 / 11:17 am

    Ah, I see now. Mine shows 4 plans available because I pay for the Personal Plan at $48/year (which just renewed in January). I guess they are trying to get the free users to step up to that one. Terrible communication from WP as usual, no surprise there. If they keep the same features and price, I will continue with that plan. Though I must say, it was nice to make a couple posts this weekend on my blogger blog in a beautiful, simple format instead of the FRICKEN STUPID BLOCKS!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. beetleypete April 3, 2022 / 11:30 am

    Reblogged this on beetleypete and commented:
    Another view of the WP changes. This might calm us all down!
    (Well, maybe…)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. beetleypete April 3, 2022 / 11:33 am

    Thanks. As you can see, I have reblogged. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Nope, Not Pam April 3, 2022 / 1:13 pm

    I read top down, so I’m still 😡

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Bookstooge April 3, 2022 / 2:04 pm

    Yeah, that’s not reassuring to me at all. How this whole thing has been handled is indicative of just where WP is going. I hope we can stay with our respective plans, but for how long? Until we get that in writing, I’ll have to believe the worst of WP, as that’s all they’ve shown me…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hetty Eliot April 3, 2022 / 3:24 pm

    They told me the same thing, that if you have an existing plan you can keep it, though I am mightily mistrustful that this will remain true for me for the next two years (I just renewed my personal plan).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango April 3, 2022 / 4:03 pm

      I’m assuming we can stay on our current plan until it expires.

      Liked by 1 person

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