Sadje’s Sunday Poser — Collector

For her Sunday Poser this week, Sadje asks…

Do you collect or hoard things?

In my youth I used to collect baseball cards and comic books. But after my father tossed out both of my collections while I was away at college, I stopped collecting anything.

Do you collect or hoard things so that you don’t run out of them? And if you do and later on find that you don’t need them after all, what do you do with them?

Not really. My rule of thumb for consumables is that once I open the last item of a particular product, I will buy or order at least one to replace it. Most of the time, though, I’ll order two or three at a time so I don’t have to replenish my supply of the item too frequently. Typically, I always use whatever it is I bought.

One thought on “Sadje’s Sunday Poser — Collector

  1. Sadje February 27, 2022 / 6:43 pm

    Thanks for sharing Fandango. Perishable need to be bought in a usable quantity. And if everyone thought like that there would be no empty shelves in stores.

    Liked by 4 people

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