Blogging Insights — What’s Next?

Blogging insightsDr. Tanya is back at it, asking for us to share with her our blogging insights. But before I share anything, I want to congratulate Dr. Tanya on having been asking us her insightful blogging questions for six-plus months. Woo hoo!

Okay, now that she’s been at it for half a year, the good doctor is asking for our input. She has asked:

What suggestions/tips do you have for improving/upgrading this series? Do you have any questions that you would like me to feature?

I am not sure I have any definitive suggestions of insightful tips to offer Dr. Tanya. I’m always interested in learning about what makes other bloggers tick. That’s not the same as asking why they started blogging or what their blogs are all about. It’s more about what purpose in their lives does blogging achieve or fulfill. What internal needs does blogging meet? What part does it play in their daily lives? How important is it to them? If they weren’t blogging, how else would they spend their time? In other words, on a scale of one to ten, with ten being blogging is their entire reason for being, and one being that, meh, they have nothing better to do, how does blogging rate?

Maybe these questions are too intrusive or personal, but these are the things I’d love to hear about from other bloggers.

#100WW — Birthday Dinner

“How did you know how much I love king crab legs?” Craig asked.

“I asked your mother. She told me,” Darlene said. “That’s why I made reservations for this place. After all, it’s your birthday and I wanted to take you someplace I knew you’d enjoy.”

“You asked my mother?” Craid asked, sounding a bit surprised.

“Yes, I asked her if she could give me some suggestions,” Darlene said, a bit defensively. “I wanted to make tonight special for you.”

Craig took a sip from his cocktail and stood up. “You really fucked this up, Darlene,” he said and left.

(100 words)

Written for today’s 100 Word Wednesday prompt from Bikurgurl.