WDP — It’s a Toss-Up

Daily writing prompt
Who do you spend the most time with?

I would say, in terms of waking hours, it’s a toss-up between my wife and you all. Well, by “you all” I mean my fellow WordPress bloggers. And that’s because I use my iPhone for my blogging and for other things (like news feeds, sports scores, etc.). I can spend time together with my wife and and with all of you due to being with you on my iPhone, primarily on WordPress.

How? Let’s say my wife is at the kitchen table working on her crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and Word Jumble and I’m sitting across from her on my iPhone going through the Reader — reading posts that you have published.

Or she is on the couch watching The Property Brothers on HGTV and I’m sitting next to her on my iPhone tapping out a new blog post or commenting on your posts.

See? We are together — you, me, and my wife. She is doing her thing, I’m doing mine, and you’re doing your thing. Together.

And that, my friends, is the benefit of blogging on your smartphone.