Who Won The Week? 06/28/2020

10CC3057-4EEA-4C80-B8C1-700C0FC6C906It’s time for another Who Won the Week prompt. The idea behind Who Won the Week is for you to select who (or what) you think “won” this past week. Your selection can be anyone or anything — politicians, celebrities, athletes, authors, bloggers, your friends or family members, books, movies, TV shows, businesses, organizations, whatever.

I will be posting this prompt on Sunday mornings (my time). If you want to participate, write your own post designating who you think won the week and why you think they deserve your nod. Then link back to this post and tag you post with FWWTW.

My selection this week for Who Won the Week is an old saying, “Less is more.”

Let me put this in context. Donald Trump is omnipresent. On TV. On Twitter. In newspapers and magazines. He’s everywhere all the time. Contrast that with Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate running against the incumbent, Trump, in November. Biden has spent the past three months in his home in his basement.

And yet, Biden has amassed a significant lead — ranging from 10 to 14 points — in the national polls.EA9D0AF6-6D09-419E-AC8D-87970CDDD653Even a poll from Trump’s favorite cable news network, Fox News (aka Trump TV), shows Biden up by 12 points.712EDE49-90BC-4B81-A714-9073BCFDF362Perhaps even more significant than the national polls, given the importance of the Electoral College in U.S. presidential elections, 19 polls of voters in swing states from four different pollsters were released on Thursday, with Biden besting Trump in every single one, including in historically Republican states like Arizona, Georgia and Texas.

So it seems that Biden’s less is more strategy of laying low and letting Donald Trump continue to demonstrate his ineptness and incompetence to serve as President of the United States is working. Of course, we’re still a little over four months away from the election and anything can happen. But at least at this point, assuming that we will, in fact, have an election in November, and hopefully, a free and fair one, Biden is going to win.

What better way is there to illustrate just how topsy-turvy our world is today than to witness how less is more in a presidential campaign?

Now it’s your turn, folks. Who (or what) do you think won the week?