Standard Operating Procedures

“Listen, Keith,” Jason said, “we have a very systematic way of conducting business in this company. Our standard operating procedures have made this a very successful company. You can’t just go off on a whim and do things differently from our highly structured approach.”

“Jason, I absolutely understand what you’re saying,” Keith said. “But I had this great opportunity and one thing I’ve learned in my career is that it’s better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for approval.”

“Keith, you’re very good at your job and far be it from me to want to hinder your initiative and ingenuity, but you need to be remember that our company has been around for a long time. So long, in fact, that our original company charter was literally scribed onto parchment,” Jason said. “My advice to you, Keith, is that next time, before you find yourself out on a limb that might get chopped off, you’d be better off asking for permission than asking for forgiveness.”

Written for these daily prompts from yesterday: The Daily Spur (systematic), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (whim), My Vivid Blog (absolutely), Ragtag Daily Prompt (understand), Word of the Day Challenge (approval), Your Daily Word Prompt (hinder), and E.M.’s Random Word Prompt (parchment).

Share Your World — Sound Mind, Sound Body

It’s Monday, and you know what that means. It means that Melanie graces us with another one of her Share Your World prompts. So, not wanting to keep you in suspense, here are her SYW questions and my ingenious — and somewhat tongue-in-cheek — answers.

What does a successful relationship look like to you?

One in which I always get my way. 😏

If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning medal for?

Binge-watching “Game of Thrones,” which I’ve never watched, from the beginning to the end.

What do you wish you knew more about?


What is better in your opinion – asking for forgiveness or permission?

Well, in a “successful relationship” where I could always get my way, it wouldn’t matter. But short of that, it’s definitely better to ask for forgiveness than for permission in most instances. The one exception would be when it comes to “touchy-feely” interactions with the opposite sex. Then permission is better.

What’s the best thing about your life right now?

At my advanced, the best thing about my life is waking up every morning and being of sound mind and relatively sound body.76268FE6-2ED0-4BBB-A688-D8F226D4FD2F