Friday Fictioneers — The Scarecrow

“Look at that,” Jeremy said. “That’s sacrilegious!”

“What is?” Archie asked. “You mean that scarecrow over there?”

“Scarecrow? That’s not a scarecrow, you idiot,” Jeremy said. “That’s Jesus on the cross.”

“Nah,” Archie said. “It’s a scarecrow.”

“Scarecrows have straw hats, straw coming out from their shirt sleeves, and wear overalls,” Jeremy said. “Do you see a straw hat or overalls on that? No you don’t because that’s Jesus being crucified.”

Archie laughed. “You see Jesus everywhere, Jeremy. Didn’t you tell me last week that you saw Jesus’ face on a piece of toast? That thing’s just a simple scarecrow.”

(100 words)

Written for the Friday Fictioneers prompt from Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Photo credit: Sandra Crook.