Twelve Things

Judy Dykstra-Brown, at Lifelessons, has posted a Challenge she calls “Twelve Things I Would Most Like to Know About You.” She’s going to hold some kind of drawing of those bloggers who participate and donate $100 to their favorite charity. All we have to do is answer her questions and link back to her post. I’m game. How about you?

Here are the things she would like to know more about us:

Who in your opinion is the sexiest man (if you are a woman) or woman (if you are a man) who ever lived?

Farrah Fawcett from back in the original “Charlie’s Angels” day.0BF26825-F641-41CF-BE01-E118454B1AE2

What favorite food do you rarely eat and why?

Maryland blue crabs. Why do I rarely eat them? Because I live in California and the only way I can get them here is to have them packed in ice and shipped overnight, and that is prohibitively expensive.

What would your closest friends be most surprised to find out about you?

Nothing. I’m an open book to my closest friends.

Who is the most famous person you ever met and what were the circumstances?

O.J. Simpson (from when he was still famous and before he was infamous). It was in 1986 and I was in line to give the hotel valet parking guy my ticket to get my car when O.J. drove up in his car, got out, and another valet parking guy went to greet him. It was a few days before Super Bowl XX between the Chicago Bears and the New England Patriots. I asked him who he thought would win and he said, “Put your money on the underdog Patriots.” I did. He was wrong. The Bears won 46 – 10. The bastard.

What famous person would you most like to have as a close friend and why?

I don’t know. Maybe Farrah Fawcett back when I was young and virile and she was still alive.

What is your biggest regret in life?

That I never invested the time to ask my parents about their personal histories.

What is the strangest pet you ever had?

A snake I named Pythias. Once a week I’d feed him a live mouse, which I always named “Damon,” and I would then watch Pythias eat each week’s Damon whole. It was fascinating.

What is the item of clothing you have owned for the longest period of time?

I have a black, hooded sweatshirt that I wear every morning between the time I wake up and the time I take my shower. It’s got to be 10+ years old.

What object in your house holds the most nostalgic value for you?

A scrapbook I made when I was in high school.

What question do you wish you had asked a deceased relative but didn’t?

As I mentioned earlier, I wish I would have asked my parents to tell me more about their youth. They both immigrated to the U.S. from the Ukraine when they were kids, and met and married here. But I know almost nothing about their childhoods, how they came to America, or how they met.

Who in the world (relative or not) do you most resemble? 

I answered that question in last year’s A to Z Challenge post for the letter “D.” Read it here if you’re interested.

What is your favorite footwear and why?

My Brooks Addiction Walkers. So comfy!6BF0156D-4EAD-4CA2-BCB9-878D35EAB50F