Republican Dicks

A72027CC-961A-41FE-82D0-BCA257DB7A2ADid you know that the internet is exposing children to pornography at an alarming rate? Apparently that’s what state legislators in Florida know. They believe that pornography on the internet leads to low self-esteem and deviant sexual behavior. It also contributes to mental and physical illness, difficulty with relationships, and unhealthy brain development.

And so on Tuesday, the Republican-controlled state legislature in Tallahassee, Florida approved a measure declaring pornography to be a public health risk.

The porn resolution was introduced just after the Florida House voted 71-36 against a motion to open debate on a military-style assault weapons ban.

And, of course, this refusal to even debate such a ban happened just five days after 17 people — students and teachers — were tragically gunned down at a Florida high school by a lone shooter with an AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle.

But I guess this is par for the course in a state that is shaped like a penis by the state’s limp dick Republicans who are bought and owned by the big, hard guns of the NRA.