WDP — People Bore Me

Daily writing prompt
What bores you?

Well, okay, not all people. Just certain types of people.

For instance,

  • Trump supporters who try to persuade me that Trump is the second coming of Jesus Christ and that his election is the only way to save America.
  • Democrats who complain that Joe Biden, who is only four years older than Trump, is too old to seek reelection. Yes, he’s old, but would you rather have an old man who behaves like a vindictive, narcissist and a petulant child in the White House or an old man who is sane, thoughtful, and cares more than just about himself?
  • Religious people who tell me that, as an atheist, I am condemned to eternal damnation if I don’t accept Jesus Christ (and/or Donald Trump?) as my personal savior so that I can experience salvation and be saved.
  • Most Repugnican politicians whose unenlightened self-interests and quest for power and wealth surpass any desire on their part to help out their constituents.

There are probably a few other types of people I could include on this list, but I’m getting bored and I’m sure you must be too.