SoCS — All Better

I woke up at around six o’clock this morning, California time, with a terrible cramp in my right calf. My wife told me to calm down while she called my doctor. When I got on the phone with him, he said that having a leg cramp wasn’t a calamity and suggest that my wife massage my calf until it felt better. Then he asked if I was getting enough calcium in my diet and suggested some calcium supplements for me to take. The doc wanted me to come in for a physical exam, so I checked my calendar and set up an appointment for the following Wednesday.

The calf massage my wife gave me worked great and by mid-morning I was feeling much better. She later suggested that we go to my favorite Italian restaurant for dinner and I readily agreed, as I love their calzone and they have the best fried calamari appetizer. Plus, it’s a classy place. The menus are hand printed by a calligrapher, but it is rather expensive and I often have to use the calculator app on my iPhone to calculate a proper gratuity. Right next door to the restaurant is a fun arcade where there’s a guy from Calidonia in Panama who plays a calliope at night.

So even though my day got off to a rather calamitous start, by the end of the night, I ended up calling it a winner.

Written for today’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt from Linda G. Hill. The challenge is to a word (or words) starting with the letters “cal.”