WDYS — Bible Words

Mom and Dad encourage me to read the Bible and I love the wonderful stories in that book. But sometimes there are passages in the Bible that I find a little confusing, and Mom and Dad always tell me that I can ask them questions any time I don’t understand something.

One evening after dinner I was in my room reading the Bible and there was a term that I didn’t understand. Mom and Dad were in their bedroom, so I knocked on the door, but they didn’t answer. I knew they were in there because I could hear them breathing.

I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. What I saw was jaw dropping. They were on the bed with no clothes on and Dad was doing push-ups on top of Mom. I gasped and Dad looked at me, pulled the bedsheets over the two of them, and asked me what I wanted. I said, “I’m sorry to interrupt your exercising, Dad, but there’s a word in the Bible that I don’t understand.”

“What word is that, son?” he asked.

“It’s begat,” I said. “B-e-g-a-t.”

Mom and Dad both burst out laughing. I’m still not sure why.

Written for Sadje’s What Do You See prompt. Photo credit: Ben White @ Unsplash.