JYProvocative Question #37 — Presidential Debate

Our host for the weekly provocative question challenge is Jewish Young Professional, aka JYP. This week she asks us to…

What are your thoughts on the presidential debates?

The debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump was less of a debate and more of a debacle. It has left Americans with a terrible choice in November. Do we vote for an 81-year-old president who appears to be on the decline — at least he did during the debate — or a serial liar and convicted felon in 78-year-old Donald Trump, whose answers were often as incoherent as were Biden’s, albeit delivered with conviction and vigor?

I don’t know what the effect of the debate will be, but it has clearly shaken the confidence of a lot of Democrats, some of whom are now calling for Biden to voluntarily step aside and to endorse a younger Democrat to lead the ticket in November.

I would like to say that one sub-par performance by a candidate at a televised debate shouldn’t be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. If Americans were capable of forming opinions and making judgments based upon well-analyzed, thoughtful consideration, it would be one thing. Trump wouldn’t — or shouldn’t — stand a chance.

At the debate, Trump accused Biden of being the worst president in American history. Actually, Trump is considered by most to be the worst president in modern history, while Biden has accomplished a lot during his term. And that’s what Americans who watched the debate should focus on.

Unfortunately, Americans are generally shallow and superficial. We form opinions and make judgments based on sound bites and video clips. And because of that, Biden’s goose is cooked, even though everyone knows that Trump’s second term will be even worse than his first term and he will destroy the American democracy as we know it.

So I’m inclined to agree with those who suggest that the Dems need to find a younger, more vigorous candidate to compete against Trump.

9 thoughts on “JYProvocative Question #37 — Presidential Debate

  1. Marleen June 29, 2024 / 6:52 pm


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sadje June 29, 2024 / 10:44 pm

    Biden should support a younger candidate- preferably a non-white, female one.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. leigha66 June 30, 2024 / 3:32 pm

    I actually went looking to see who the other candidates were. There are four others but I don’t see much interesting there either.

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