Cellpic Sunday — Sunday Potpourri

John Steiner, the blogger behind Journeys With Johnbo, has this prompt he calls Cellpic Sunday in which he asks us to post a photo that was taken with a cellphone, tablet, or another mobile device. He invites us to participate in this cellphone photo prompt by creating our own CellPic Sunday post and linking it back to his.

I haven’t taken very many photos recently so I started surfing through my archives to come up with some interesting photos to share with you. They all date back to May 2015 and were taken on my iPhone 6.

This first one is a cat scratching stand that had seen better days. Our cat had scratched down to the wood frame and my wife and I decided it was time to get rid of it. So before we lugged it off to the dump, I took this photo to show the destructive powers of our cat’s claws.

I took this next photo on one of my last business trips before I retired. I think it was a Jet Blue flight but I’m not 100% sure of that. Anyway, you can see that I wasn’t in the first class cabin.

And finally, my wife, our dog, and I were walking around Golden Gate Park and we came across these four baby skunks. Naturally our dog wanted to investigate, but we had to hold her back because we didnt know where the mother skunk was, and if she saw our dog heading toward her babies, we didnt want her rushing out to protect them by spraying our dog.


I just went out into my backyard, walked to our rear fence and took this picture (with my iPhone 15 Pro Max) looking down the very steep hill on my back neighbor’s yard.

Today is May 26th. Our town has a mandate that requires all weeded areas to be cut down or cleared by May 31st as a prevention for the spread of wildfires. As you can see, the guy who owns the property behind us has yet to cut back his weeds, and if he doesn’t do that by May 31, he will be in violation and I’ll have to contact the town fire prevention group to come out and slap his wrist. I hate being a tattletale, but….

Anyway, if you’re in the U.S., have a pleasant Memorial Day tomorrow. If you live elsewhere, have a pleasant Monday.

Sunday Poser — Ageism

For today’s Sunday Poser, Sadje wants to know…

Have you ever been a victim of Ageism? Has the society or people around you ever deemed it necessary to tell you what you can or cannot do as per your age? How do you react?

I remember when I was about 60 and I had just gotten a new pair of inline skates (aka roller blades). I guess I thought I was better at rollerblading than I actually was. I took a spill and tried to break my fall with my arm, but I ended up fracturing my wrist.

After my injury I was moping around feeling sorry for myself and my brother-in-law gave me some sound advice. He said, “The next time you’re thinking about rollerblading, take out your wallet, look at your driver’s license, focus on your birthdate, and take note of how old you are.”

I should have done that last year before I climbed up on a ladder to clean my gutters, fell off the ladder, and broke my hip!

But I digress. I am more likely than anyone else to be cognizant of my age these days and to set boundaries for myself. I do not think that I have personally been a victim of ageism.

That said, I think society generally ignores people over 70. We’re here, but nobody sees us. The only people who send me mail these days are funeral homes, crematoriums, and assisted living communities for seniors. They are reminding me that my days are numbered and I need to plan for my after-death accommodations. Or that I’ve only got so much time left before my mind or body goes, so I’d better think, while I still can, about where to spend the rest of my life before I get sent to the funeral home or crematorium of my choice.

But that’s okay. With the direction society is taking, I’d just as soon be ignored than have some 21st century brown-shirted snot report me to the authorities who have decided that I’m no longer a productive citizen and to ship me off to the glue factory.

And on that happy note, I think I’ll take a leisurely stroll toward the sunset.

Song Lyric Sunday — Whistle a Happy Tune

For this week’s Song Lyric Sunday, Jim Adams has asked us to find a song that incorporates whistling. Alrighty then. How about Billy Joel’s “The Stranger”?

“The Stranger” was written and recorded by Billy Joel and was the title track from his 1977 album of the same name. “The Stranger” wasn’t released as a single in the U.S., but it became one of his most revered compositions. It was released as a single in Japan, where it became very popular and peaked at number 2, selling almost half a million copies. It also charted in Australia, New Zealand, and France. In Japan, it was the last single from the album, while in the U.S. and the UK, “She’s Always a Woman,” released the previous year, was the last single from the album.

This song is about how, when we think we know somebody, we often hardly know that person at all. “The Stranger” is the collective for the unknown things about people we know: “Although we share so many secrets, there are some we never tell.”

According to Joel, the song can also relate to how we don’t always know ourselves. He says that his halfhearted suicide attempt at age 21 (he tried to end his life by drinking furniture polish) was an inspiration for the song, as it revealed a dark side of his personality that wasn’t readily apparent.

“The Stranger” begins and ends with a quiet melody, played on piano and whistled by Joel with accompaniment from his band. Joel said that he pictured a solitary man walking down an empty street in the night in a trench coat, coat collar turned up, and disappearing into the fog. Then the sting of an electric guitar rips apart this image and Joel and his band launch into a jarring rocker.

In an interview with USA Today, Joel said, “After we recorded the song, I remember thinking, ‘it needs some sort of introduction. It needs a prelude or a theme, and then it should slam into the song.’ I played the theme on the piano to show Phil Ramone, the album’s producer, and whistled along with it, and I said, ‘What instrument do you think should do that?’ And Phil said, ‘You just did it.’ I heard it played back and went, ‘That’s kind of cool, I like that.’ It was really the theme to the album because it was born in the studio during the process, and it just kind of captured the mood.”

Here are the lyrics to “The Stranger.”

Well, we all have a face
That we hide away forever
And we take them out
And show ourselves when everyone has gone
Some are satin, some are steel
Some are silk and some are leather
They're the faces of a stranger
But we'd love to try them on

Well, we all fall in love
But we disregard the danger
Though we share so many secrets
There are some we never tell
Why were you so surprised
That you never saw the stranger?
Did you ever let your lover
See the stranger in yourself?

Don't be afraid to try again
Everyone goes south every now and then, ooh
You've done it
Why can't someone else?
You should know by now
You've been there yourself

Once I used to believe
I was such a great romancer
Then I came home to a woman
That I could not recognize
When I pressed her for a reason
She refused to even answer
It was then I felt the stranger
Kick me right between the eyes

Well, we all fall in love
But we disregard the danger
Though we share so many secrets
There are some we never tell
Why were you so surprised
That you never saw the stranger?
Did you ever let your lover
See the stranger in yourself?

Don't be afraid to try again
Everyone goes south every now and then, ooh
You've done it
Why can't someone else
You should know by now
You've been there yourself

You may never understand
How the stranger is inspired
But he isn't always evil
And he is not always wrong
Though you drown in good intentions
You will never quench the fire
You'll give in to your desire
When the stranger comes along

FOWC with Fandango — Paste


Welcome to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (U.S.).

Today’s word is “paste.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Please check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, ÿplease manually add your link in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. Show them some love.