JusJoJan — Real-World Matters

I am sitting at the kitchen table, sipping my morning coffee, just having finished reading the morning paper. My iPhone is in my left hand and the screen I’m looking at is blank. My right index finger is poised above the virtual keypad, but I can’t think of anything to write. So I go to ChatGPT, an AI engine. I type in, “I can’t think of anything to write.”

“No worries,” it responds. “Would you like a writing prompt to get you started?” it asks.

“Knock yourself out,” I answer.

Craft a short story set in a futuristic city where people communicate through holographic messages. You can explore the challenges or benefits of this advanced form of communication,” it suggests.

“Maybe later,” I respond. “My cold cereal is getting soggy.”

“I understand,” it writes. “Real-world matters take priority.”

For today’s JusJoJan prompt, Linda has given us the word “craft,” as suggested by Astrid, who resides here. Image credit: Bing Image Creator.

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