Blogging Insights — Good Bloggers and Their Trade Secrets

Blogging insights In the #16 edition of Blogging Insights, Dr. Tanya asks us, What, in your opinion, are the characteristics or qualities of a good blogger?” And in the #17 edition, she asks, “Do bloggers share all their tips or trade secrets and should they?”

With respect to the first question, that’s like asking about what characteristics or qualities make anyone who creates an art form good. It could be bloggers, painters, sculptors, authors, musicians, actors, comedians, chefs, journalists, and even leaders. The honest answer is that it varies, depending upon one’s tastes and preferences. It’s all about “eye of the beholder.”

For example, there are those who think that Donald Trump demonstrates great characteristics and qualities that make him a good President. And there are those, like me, who think that the characteristics and qualities of Donald Trump make him totally unfit to be President.

So I’m not going to tell you what I believe to be the characteristics or qualities of a good blogger. Because that would be my own personal opinion. And you know what they say about opinions, don’t you? Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink. Well, except for mine, of course.

That said, I haven’t been a very good blogger lately. Other than my several prompts that I’d scheduled two weeks in advance, I haven’t had the time to write a whole lot of creative posts due to my move from San Francisco to the East Bay. And no doubt I’ve missed a lot of the comments and pingbacks you folks have made on those posts that I have published. And even worse, I haven’t been able to read most of the posts all of you have published over the past couple of weeks. I will try to do better now that things are finally settling down a bit.

Next Tanya asks about tips and trade secrets. My tip for bloggers is to do your thing, whatever your thing might be. Write posts about whatever it is that interests and fascinates you and you just might find that others share your interests and are fascinated by what you write, too.

Trade secrets? Are there blogging trade secrets? I don’t know that there are any such secrets, but then again, I write posts about this, that, and the other — or whatever pops into my head on any given day. So I supposed, when it comes to blogging, that makes me a jack of all trades and a master of none.

26 thoughts on “Blogging Insights — Good Bloggers and Their Trade Secrets

    • Fandango February 15, 2020 / 11:14 pm

      Thanks, Jim. I’m still not back “full-time” quite yet. I still have a ton of things that need to get done, but I’m trying to fit in as much blog writing and reading time as I can fit in.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Sadje February 15, 2020 / 1:25 pm

    Finally, you have managed to make it to the blogosphere.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Marilyn Armstrong February 15, 2020 / 2:05 pm

    Personally? I would simply say that whatever you do — writing, photography, art, cooking — do it well and do it regularly. Erratic publication kills even very good blogs. That’s probably why most of us are “regulars.” As for revealing my secrets — what secrets? I write as well as I can, I reblog selectively and hopefully from people whose material seems relevant and which i would rather someone else write rather than me.

    Otherwise, I count on the quality of my work being the blog’s primary attraction. You’ve got to do something well enough for someone else to be interested in it. But what you do? That’s up to you.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Teresa Grabs February 15, 2020 / 4:39 pm

    Great answers. I’m a total slacker when it comes to my blog lately. I want to write but editing 8 hours a day, 6 days a week for a client makes me not to work with words at night. I don’t schedule things more than a day ahead although I probably could and should. I don’t think anyone can really judge whether a blog is “good” or if a blogger “blogs enough” because, as you said, it’s all personal opinion. I’m not here to monetize my blog or attract thousands of new readers (okay, I wouldn’t mind the last one); I came back to WP because I missed the people here. Even if people only posted once a month, I would be waiting for their post. I’m lazy about hitting that like button, but as I have said many times since coming back, I’m lazy now when it comes to WP. It’s a place to write short things, maybe inspire someone else to write something, and relax. Congrats on the move!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fandango February 15, 2020 / 11:25 pm

      Thanks, Teresa. This move has been more difficult, at least it feels that way, than previous moves. But maybe that’s because I’m older. I know I haven’t been very responsive to your daily prompts. Maybe once things settle down around here I’ll be able to take you up on some of them.

      Liked by 1 person

    • drtanya@saltedcaramel February 15, 2020 / 11:49 pm

      Hi Theresa
      We have been missing you on wordpress. You really kept the community spirit alive with your prompts and challenges.
      Although I completely understand that if you have been doing writing / editing for work all day then you might not enjoy doing more of it later.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. JT Twissel February 15, 2020 / 6:04 pm

    To be honest, I almost skipped reading your post because I’m tired of getting blogging advice. Do this, do that. Post regularly. On and on. I try to keep my posts short and to the point . I hope to bring a smile and when I can’t, I keep it even shorter.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fandango February 15, 2020 / 11:28 pm

      My posts are generally relatively short. My average words per post is around 250. I don’t have the time or the attention span for anything much longer.


    • drtanya@saltedcaramel February 15, 2020 / 11:52 pm

      The reason I began this Blogging Insights series is because of all the “do this” and “do that ” advice on wordpress,pinterest and YouTube. I wanted to see what my blogging friends thought about such things.

      Liked by 1 person

      • JT Twissel February 16, 2020 / 10:07 am

        I’ve been blogging for a long time and in the beginning I did appreciate all the advice. Over the years, I’ve picked and chosen the ones that work for me. I have no expectations of huge followings or fame and glory but at least I’m not wasting my time trying to be someone I’m not!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. drtanya@saltedcaramel February 15, 2020 / 11:55 pm

    Thanks for taking the time to respond to my questions.
    I realise what a busy time it is for you and really appreciate the effort.
    I love how you have killed not two but three birds with one stone, my blogging insights 16 and 17 and an FFE.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Tom Being Tom February 16, 2020 / 6:59 am

    Didn’t realize you were a West Coaster. Born and raised in Salinas myself! I’m up north, now, in Trump country, in the capital seat of the mighty state of Jefferson! 🤣

    Needless to say, I lock horns a lot with the entire county. 😉

    The best tip I ever got on blogging was “to attract readers, be one.” I’ve found some amazing stuff out here, by just looking!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fandango February 16, 2020 / 9:57 pm

      Good advise. There are some excellent, talented bloggers out there and they can teach you a lot. I’ve only been a West Coaster for about a decade. Before that I was mostly an east Coaster. Jefferson County, huh? I don’t envy you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Tom Being Tom February 17, 2020 / 7:08 am

        Shasta County, to be precise, but if these folks had their druthers California and parts of Oregon would break off and form the far-right Free State of Jefferson! Yeehaw!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. glenmckenzie(justabitfurther) February 18, 2020 / 5:46 am

    I have no secrets when it comes to this whole blogging soup thing.

    Many(including myself at times) need to stop reading what the so-called “blogging gurus” are suggesting and just simply get on with writing from their heart and soul.

    Liked by 1 person

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