5WWC/WDYS — New Place In Town

“Why would you think I‘d be averse to a new establisment opening up in town? It would be a nice place for a diverse group of people to meet and converse about all manner of things,” Roger said. “And maybe it will help to reverse the trend of retail shops and restaurants closing up shop. New blood is just what this town needs.

“Wow, Roger, I underestimated you,” Gretchen said. “I was sure when you learned that it was a minority-owned business called ‘Give a Little Happiness’ to be run by two gay black women, that you’d be strongly opposed to it.”

“Wait, what?” Roger said. “You’re not talking about the Gentlemen’s club that’s opening next to the local office of the Junior Chamber of Commerce?”

“Oh my, Roger,” Gretchen said, “how quickly you transversed that maze when you realized how you were trapped. I guess the café I was talking about is not the kind of new blood you were hoping the town would attract.”

Written for Sadje’s What Do You See prompt. Photo credit: Angeliki Mikropoulou @ Unsplash.

And for Greg’s Five Word Weekly Challenge, where the words are averse, converse, diverse, reverse, and transverse.