Sunday Six Sentence Story — How About a Lyft?

“Since my car is in the shop, would you be able to give me a lift to work tomorrow?” I asked my coworker who lives a few blocks from me in my same neighborhood.

“Sure, I’d be happy to,” he said, “and I can pick you up at 8:15 if that works for you.”

“Actually, I have an early meeting with my team. It’s scheduled for 7:00 so if you could pick me up at 6:30, that would be great,” I said.

“Perhaps you can either reschedule your early morning meeting for a later time or to another day when your car is back from the shop,” he suggested.

“As much as I appreciate your suggestion, neighbor, I cannot reschedule the meeting as there are people flying in from all around the globe,” I answered.

“Well, neighbor,” he said a bit sarcastically, “I don’t think I’m available to give you a lift to work tomorrow at 6:30 am, but the best I can do, at my own expense, is to secure for you a ride to the office with the Lyft car service or with an Uber if you’d prefer.”

Written for the Sunday Six Sentence Story prompt from Girlie on the Edge. The prompt word is “lift.”

Sunday Six Sentence Story — Light and Airy

I try to keep things light and airy in my posts and to infuse at least a hint of humor and wit in them.

It’s my way of escaping the gloom and doom of a reality that weighs heavily upon me.

It’s my mental mechanism to push back into the recesses of my mind the political insanity that is raging all around me.

Keep it bright, keep it airy, keep it chipper I say to myself, perhaps naively.

Try to avoid, I remind myself, going toward the dark path that those, whose values are so markedly different from my own, are leading others down.

But it’s hard to follow the light when it seems to be growing dimmer and more distant with each passing day.

Written for the Sunday Six Sentence Story prompt from Girlie on the Edge, my first time writing for this prompt. The prompt word is “light.” AI artwork from Bing Image Creator.