Thursday Inspiration — Cooking with Gas

For this week’s Thursday Inspiration prompt, Jim Adams has asked us to write a post using the word “cook.”

Ever since I got married almost 46 years ago, my wife has been the chief cook — and I’ve been the bottle washer, so to speak. She is a very good cook and I am fairly confident that had I not married her, I’d be dead my now.

My pre-marriage bachelor diet was primarily fast food, fried food, and beer. But Mrs. Fandango began preparing healthy, nutritious, delicious meals. She made sure I got a balanced diet with veggies and fruits and food that was mostly organic.

One of her requirements wherever we lived was that our home had to have a gas range, rather than an electric cooktop. She felt that she could cook with much more precision with gas than with electricity. And since she took pride in preparing her meals and I loved eating her meals, I made sure to accommodate her gas range demand.

In fact, she loves cooking with gas so much that this is one of her favorite rap songs.

Now I don’t want you to think that my wife prepares everything I eat. I make my own cold cereal breakfasts and when we have eggs, I am often the one who cooks them. And I’m also the outdoor grill master, grilling hod dogs, burgers, steaks, and even seafood to perfection.

So I’m not totally helpless in the kitchen.