Don’t Bother

It’s June 1, 2024. In just over five months, there is going to be a presidential election in the United States, and between now and then I will be publishing a number of political posts in which I shall be expressing my strong negative opinions about Donald Trump and about anyone who supports him, including most Republican politicians and anyone who wears a red MAGA hat, makes excuses for Donald Trump, or tries to justify or rationalize his illegal, unethical, amoral, sexist, racist, narcissistic, egomaniacal, anti-democracy statement or actions.

It’s my right as the owner of this blog, to express myself, and it seems that close to half of the people in the U.S. don’t share my opinion. And that’s fine. That’s your right.

But, I’d prefer that you not waste your time or mine commenting on my political posts. If you are a Trumpster and wish to criticize my antipathy toward him or otherwise try to explain, justify, or support him, please don’t bother. I will not delete your bullshit comments, but I will also not engage with you because there is nothing you can say that will change my thinking and I know there is nothing I can say that will change yours. I will simply respond with this emoji: 🙄