Weekend Writing Prompt — The Gold Digger

703C0F4E-0677-4290-9B4A-606A4BA32E32His friends tried to warn him. “She’s a gold digger,” they said. “Get a prenup,” they advised. But he ignored them. He was in love, and love is blind.

He looked at her, sitting across the table. He saw that look of ineffable satisfaction on her face, a look that said it all. She had persevered, and now he was left alone, defeated, and humiliated. She had won it all.

(70 words)

141E92B0-D260-4A9A-8789-A2C5F6D80077 Written for Sammi Cox’s Weekend Writing Prompt, where we are challenged to write a poem or piece of prose using the word “ineffable” in exactly 70 words.