MLMM Friday Faithfuls — An Ode to Ineptitude

For this week’s Mindlovemysery’s Menagerie Friday Faithfuls challenge, Adams asks about poetry. He wants us to write anything about poetry and, if you write poetry, then please share one of our poems.

I am a poet
How do I know it?
My feet show it
They’re Longfellow

I did not write the above poem, I think it was circulating when I was in the second or third grade umpty-ump years ago.

For this prompt, I have prepared a poetic ode to my ineptitude as a poet.

In the realm of rhyme and meter
I am a stranger in a strange land
I stumble and fall like a drunk dancer
Tripping over my own two feet

My attempts at metaphors are muddy and bad
My similes are equally as sad
My verses are tangled and confusing
My stanzas are bumbling and obtuse

When it comes to expressing myself
I should stick with prose, which rolls off my tongue
And give up trying to write poems
For a Longfellow I most definitely am not