Writer’s Workshop — Aunt Rose

For his Writer’s Workshop this week, John Holton gives us six writing prompts and we are tasked with choosing one of the prompts (or as many as we want) and writing a post that addresses that (or those) prompt(s). I chose three prompts for this week: (1) use the word “aunt,” (2) write a post in exactly 12 sentences, and (6) write about the most humid place you’ve been.

Have you ever been to Houston, Texas in the summer?

It’s awful.

Temperatures often reach triple digits and if you couple that heat with Houston’s 100% humidity, it’s unbearable.

I’ve been there in November and December and it’s quite pleasant in Houston, but not for all the money in the world will I ever go back to Houston again in the summer.

Or so I thought.

I belong to one of those DNA programs that takes your spit and locates all of your relatives, whether dead or alive or yet to be born.

I received a certified letter from a woman who said she was my Aunt Rose, the wife of my mother’s youngest brother, both of whom are deceased.

She said that she is dying, has only six months to live, and just learned from that DNA program that I am her nephew and her only surviving relative.

She wrote that she is an extremely wealthy woman and now that she knows I exist, she intends to revise her will and make me her sole beneficiary, leaving her entire fortune to me.

But first she wants to meet me and she would like me to catch the next flight to her home in Houston.

It’s July.

I wrote her back and said, “Sure, I’m on my way, Aunt Rose. 💕❤️”

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