Weekly Song Challenge

9FC24DBF-795E-468A-8F5E-D6928D4F45A9For this week’s Weekly Song Challenge, Laura has asked us to post videos about our favorite song from a list of artists, a song from the year we were born, and one from the year we graduated from high school.

Her rules are:

  • Copy the rules and add them to our own post, pinging back to Laura’s post.
  • Post music videos for our answers to the musical questions.
  • Tag two people anyone who wants to participate!

So here goes.

1. Post a video of your favorite song by any of these artists:

Elton John
REO Speedwagon
Bon Jovi
Neil Diamond

2. Post a hit song from the year you were born.

According to Billboard, this was the number one song for the year I was born.

3. Post a video of a song that was popular the year you graduated from high school.

Okay, your turn!