Six Sentence Story — Not Another Move

“I’ve got good news and bad news for you, Cindy,” Josh announced to his wife. “The good news is that the guy I flew to Chicago to interview with last week just called and I got the job.”

Cindy looked at her young husband and said, “Well, I’m happy for you, Josh, but if the bad news is that we are going to have to move to Chicago in order for you to take that job, then I’ve got some bad news for you — you’ll be moving alone. We moved here two years ago for your last new job and just when I started making new friends and I found my own dream job, you got laid off.”

“But, Cindy, this new job is a great opportunity for me, for us,” Josh said.

“So was your last job, the one we moved here for two years ago, Josh, but I’ve settled in here, I have my friends and my own job, and I need to do what’s best for me, so I am truly sorry but I’m not moving again for you.”

Written for the Sunday Six Sentence Story prompt from Girlie on the Edge, where the prompt word is “move.” Photo credit: