Six Sentence Story — We’re Not on the Same Wavelength

We are two very different individuals entangled in the delicate dance of love, but our frequency never quite aligns.

I am the practical one, a pragmatist, an analytical type who revels in precision, logic, and outcomes, with little regard for emotional flourishes and no time for drama.

You are the artist whose heart is a canvas splashed in vibrant hues, who speaks in rhymes, metaphors, and similies, who dances to unheard melodies, and who dreams in poetry.

Our mismatched wavelengths are becoming more apparent every day, with me focusing on the details of the activities of daily living, while you are orchestrating imaginary music in your head and whispering wishes of harmony to the stars at night.

Checking my watch to see what time it’s not, I say that love is merely a chemical reaction, while you, gazing at the star-studded sky, postulate that love is a cosmic collision.

Are our differences irreconcilable or can we find a way to overcome the dissonance, each composing our own melodies to create a beautifully harmonious symphony that defies any practical considerations and permits us both to dance to the rhythms of our hearts?

Written for the Sunday Six Sentence Story prompt from Girlie on the Edge, where the prompt word is “frequency.” Photo credit: