Simply 6 Minutes — Therapeutic Bubble Wrap

“This next item,” the clothing designer said to the administrator of the psychiatric facility, “is specially designed to be worn by your patients who are cutters or are into other forms of self-harm. It’s literally like wrapping your patients in bubble wrap. They still have enough flexibility to move their arms enough to eat, but not so much to injure themselves. And before you ask, there are matching trousers available for leg cutters.”

“Can patients get dressed in this outfit by themselves or will staff members be needed to dress and undress them and take them to the toilet when they need to go to the bathroom,” the doctor asked.

“An excellent question,” the designer said. “Yes, patients will need staff assistance putting on and taking off the outfit. But in terms of bathroom use, we have an accessory in the form of a urinary catheter and a collection bag. We are also working on a solution for, um, number two.”

“Well,” the doctor said. “Thank you for showing me your innovative clothing solutions. I appreciate your time, but I think our focus will continue to work inside our patients’ minds as opposed to what they wear on the outside.”

Written for Christine Bialczak’s Simply 6 Minutes Challenge. Image credit: no attribution.