Cellpic Sunday — Mission Accomplished

John Steiner, the blogger behind Journeys With Johnbo, has this prompt he calls Cellpic Sunday in which he asks us to post a photo that was taken with a cellphone, tablet, or another mobile device. He invites us to participate in this cellphone photo prompt by creating our own CellPic Sunday post and linking it back to his.

My cellphone photo for this week has a rather mundane story that goes with it. My wife invited our daughter’s husband’s mother to our place for lunch this past Friday. Her husband just had a stroke and he’s temporarily in a rehab facility while he is recovering.

My wife decided to make a chicken salad for lunch and sent me to the grocery store Thursday morning to pick up everything she needed. At about 3:00 on Thursday afternoon I heard her say, “Shit, I forget to tell you to get scallions.”

I got to the store and started looking for scallions in the produce department. I remembered buying scallions before but I couldn’t remember what they looked like. I thought they looked like small onions and found shallots but not scallions. I texted my wife asking if she meant shallots. “No! Scallions!” was her reply.

I saw a store employee stocking ginger root in a bin and asked him where the scallions were. I don’t think he spoke much English because he pointed to the fresh seafood counter. “No, not scallops, scallions. They are in the onion family.” He nodded and took me over and showed me leeks.

I texted my wife and asked her if leeks were okay. “No! Leeks are not the same!” I responded, telling her they didn’t have scallions. She texted, “Baby onions or spring onions. Long and very thin.”

I continued my search through the produce section and wondered if green onions could be what my wife wanted. So I took this photo with my iPhone and texted it to her.

She texted back, “That’s fine.”

Mission accomplished!