See, Hear, Speak No Evil

1141D16F-F961-4944-B4B9-A4565821C218The U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution today laying out the framework for the next phase of the impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump’s actions regarding holding aid to Ukraine hostage unless they would gather dirt on Trump’s political opponent and for obstruction of justice in the investigation of those actions. The resolution passed on a vote of 232-196.

Apparently the Republican members of the House of Representatives are acting like those infamous three monkeys who, as the old adage says, see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil — at least when it comes to Donald Trump — as not one Republican representative voted to support the resolution. Not one!FAB4C148-BDE4-465F-939E-D22608BB7DE8The symbolism of the three monkeys is that it depicts a lack of moral responsibility on the part of people who refuse to acknowledge impropriety, looking the other way or feigning ignorance. Such people turn a blind eye to something that is legally or morally wrong. In this case, these elected officials see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil and pretend that they have not witnessed wrongdoing, and, therefore, abdicate all responsibility for righting a wrong.

Clearly 100% of Republicans in the Congress of the United States of America have abdicated their responsibility to uphold the U.S. Constitution and to act in the best interests of their constituents, the citizens of America.

They truly are a basket of deplorables.