One-Liner Wednesday — GOP Corruption

“The Republicans are as close to absolute power as they ever have been before and if a convicted felon, a crook, and a man who was convicted of sexual abuse is the person who will get them over the finish line — so be it.”

A.M. Moscoso, fellow WordPress blogger at My Enduring Bones in a comment on one of my posts

Written for Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday prompt. Image credit:

8 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday — GOP Corruption

  1. Marleen June 5, 2024 / 8:37 am

    Sometimes I wonder if Fascism in Europe was just a particularly blatant expression of what colonialists/capitalists do all over the globe constantly — including in our own neck of the woods — and more so every day now. We had it here at the time, too, but they’ve had to pretend they were against it for a while. Must appear to distance. Later, remember it was Goldwater (among Republicans) who went and convinced Nixon to step down. In the same way, America had to put down the German nazis. They know they have to police themselves some anyway in order for the rest of us to continue buying what they’re selling, a supposed fair shake. But it all gets out of hand repeatedly. We don’t see it for what it is, instead seeing history as many different phenomena. In our milieu, Democrats, while needing to clean up their own house similarly, are supposed to tone things down on a larger scale than a relatively minor bump like a couple of bad bros, one sticking actual money in his pockets, serving as two pieces of a ticket and then figurehead for an administration. The toning isn’t happening other than rhetorically and in terms of cadence; the usual pretense of decorum until it dilutes more and more and vanishes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Marleen June 8, 2024 / 6:11 am

    Trump Propaganda Movie Abruptly Yanked

    When Lies [in “2,000 Mules” are] Exposed

    Liked by 1 person

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