Cellpic Sunday — Waterfalls

John Steiner, the blogger behind Journeys With Johnbo, has this prompt he calls Cellpic Sunday in which he asks us to post a photo that was taken with a cellphone, tablet, or another mobile device. He invites us to participate in this cellphone photo prompt by creating our own CellPic Sunday post and linking it back to his.

This week, John focused on the beautiful Bear Creek Falls in Ouray, Colorado, so I thought I’d focus on a few waterfalls local to me. But unlike Bear Creek Falls, all three of the waterfalls I’m featuring are man-made.

These first two photos were taken in 2015 with my iPhone 6 at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.

The above photo is of Rainbow Falls. It was named for the colored lights that originally framed the falls at their dedication in 1930. Rainbow Falls was the second of two artificial waterfall systems created in Golden Gate Park. Water is pumped from nearby Lloyd Lake, and circulated in the trench stream along JFK Drive, the main drag along the north side of the park.

The photo above is of the first of the artificial waterfalls created at Golden Gate Park, Huntington Falls. Named for one of the railroad barons, Collins Huntington, the falls is located right in the center of the park on Strawberry Hills Island. The water cascades down from a small reservoir near the top of Strawberry Hill into Stow Lake, which surrounds the island. Even though it was the first of the two waterfalls planned for the park, its construction was stalled and it was not until 1984 that the project was finally completed.

Finally, the photo above shows my favorite local waterfall, the one in our backyard. It was constructed in the fall of 2020 and is the smallest of the three waterfalls I’m featuring today, but it is the perfect size for our backyard. This photo was taken in March of this year using my iPhone 15 Pro Max.

As usual, all photos have been resized (shrunk) to make them load more quickly and take up less space in my WordPress media folder.

Sunday Poser — Supplements

For today’s Sunday Poser, Sadje wants to know…

Do you favor dietary supplements — yes or no? Are you taking supplements or vitamins for your health? Are you influenced by the ads you see on social media or TV?

I personally do not take any dietary supplements or vitamin pills. When I was a very young kid, my mother used to have me take a One-A-Day multiple vitamin each day. She said they were good for me and would make me big and strong.

At some point my young brain concluded that if one One-A-Day would make me big and strong, imagine what taking a whole bottle would do. I don’t how many tablets were left in the bottle — at least a dozen — but I downed the remaining ones in one sitting.

Later that day I was in the ER having my stomach pumped. I know that to the adult mind, it doesn’t make sense, but I haven’t taken a vitamin since then.

My wife, on the other hand, does take a small alphabet of vitamins. Tablets, pills, whatever. She believes this alphabet soup of vitamins will not only keep her healthy but preserve her youth. And I have to admit that she has succeeded in that last regard. When we first meet people, many of them mistake her for my daughter or accuse me of being a cradle robber.

My wife also swears by Airborne, the effervescent tablet that is designed to boost one’s immunity, and she takes an airborne tablet dissolved in a glass of water at the first sign of sickness. And if seems to work. Whereas I spent most of April and May with congestion and a hacking cough that evolved into bronchitis, she remained perfectly healthy. Now she even has me drinking a glass of Airborne when I start feeling symptoms of a cold.

For the record, neither my wife nor I have received compensation from the makers of Airborne.

Song Lyric Sunday — Spooky

For this week’s Song Lyric Sunday, Jim Adams has asked us to find a song with the lyrics “eerie,” “ghost,” “haunting,” “paranormal,” or “spooky,” as suggested by Di of pensitivity101. You know how when you sometimes get a song in your head and it blocks out everything else? Well that’s what happened to me. The song “Spooky” by the Classics IV popped into my head and that was all she wrote. There was no room left for any other song.

“Spooky” was originally an instrumental song performed by saxophonist Mike Sharpe (Shapiro). It was written by Shapiro and Harry Middlebrooks Jr, and first charted in 1967 hitting number 57 on the U.S. pop charts and number 55 in Canada.

The best-known version of “Spooky” was created by James Cobb and producer Buddy Buie for the group Classics IV. Cobb, the Classsic IV’s lead guitarist, heard this song and added lyrics to it with the band’s producer, Buddy Buie. The vocalist was Dennis Yost and the song is noted for its eerie whistling sound effect depicting the spooky woman. In 1968, the vocal version reached number 3 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, number 1 in Canada and number 46 in the UK.

“Spooky” was one of the first songs to get a lot of airplay on the Album Oriented Rock (AOR) format. FM was relatively new, and AOR was a great format for people who wanted to hear songs on rock albums that weren’t necessarily hits.

Cobb left the Classics IV and later formed the Atlanta Rhythm Section along with fellow band member Dean Daughtry and members of a band called The Candymen. In 1979, the Atlanta Rhythm Section released a new version of the song in 1979.

Here are the lyrics to “Spooky.”

In the cool of the evening when ev'rything is gettin' kind of groovy
I call you up and ask you if you like to go and meet and see a movie
First you say no, you've got some plans for the night
And then you stop, and say, "All right"
Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you

You always keep me guessin', I never seem to know what you are thinkin'
And if a fella looks at you, it's for sure your little eye will be a-winkin'
I get confused 'cause I don't know where I stand
And then you smile, and hold my hand
Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you

If you decide someday to stop this little game that you are playin'
I'm gonna tell you all what my heart's been a-dyin' to be sayin'
Just like a ghost, you've been a-hauntin' my dreams
So I'll propose on Halloween
Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you

Spooky, oh alright
I said spooky, oh
Hey yeah, I said spooky!
Yeah yeah

Here is the original instrumental recording of the song from saxophonist Mike Sharpe (Shapiro)

FOWC with Fandango — Slimy


Welcome to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (U.S.).

Today’s word is “slimy.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Please check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, ÿplease manually add your link in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. Show them some love.