Don’t Bother

It’s June 1, 2024. In just over five months, there is going to be a presidential election in the United States, and between now and then I will be publishing a number of political posts in which I shall be expressing my strong negative opinions about Donald Trump and about anyone who supports him, including most Republican politicians and anyone who wears a red MAGA hat, makes excuses for Donald Trump, or tries to justify or rationalize his illegal, unethical, amoral, sexist, racist, narcissistic, egomaniacal, anti-democracy statement or actions.

It’s my right as the owner of this blog, to express myself, and it seems that close to half of the people in the U.S. don’t share my opinion. And that’s fine. That’s your right.

But, I’d prefer that you not waste your time or mine commenting on my political posts. If you are a Trumpster and wish to criticize my antipathy toward him or otherwise try to explain, justify, or support him, please don’t bother. I will not delete your bullshit comments, but I will also not engage with you because there is nothing you can say that will change my thinking and I know there is nothing I can say that will change yours. I will simply respond with this emoji: 🙄

13 thoughts on “Don’t Bother

  1. Sadje June 1, 2024 / 11:52 pm

    I’ve unfollowed many trump supporters and antivaccers

    Liked by 3 people

  2. AM June 2, 2024 / 12:41 am

    Good choice. It’s your blog, your rules!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. tenzenmen June 2, 2024 / 6:38 am

    “I will also not engage with you because there is nothing you can say that will change my thinking and I know there is nothing I can say that will change yours” – it’s sad that people feel this way.

    Sometimes even the worst people in the world may be right about some things.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango June 2, 2024 / 2:15 pm

      Yes, it sad. There used to a time in politics when words like “negotiate” and “compromise” were not considered to be dirty words and people would engage in honest and meaningful debates. But our politics in this country has become so partisan that any politician, particularly on the GOP side, is shunned if they don’t follow the party line. It’s gotten to the point where party loyalty trumps working to the betterment of their constituents’ and the country’s best interests.

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      • tenzenmen June 2, 2024 / 7:30 pm

        “It’s gotten to the point where party loyalty trumps working to the betterment of their constituents’ and the country’s best interests.”

        As an outsider this doesn’t seem to be something new it’s just that it has become painfully obvious.

        I’ve been reading much about China’s Whole-Process Democracy and quite taken with it. Perhaps you can’t imagine it but it is working well for the ‘betterment of their constituents’.

        Also as I’ve mentioned with you previously, and system of governance may be suitable for the people so long as it doesn’t become corrupt. The CPC has harsh punishments for the corrupt now and slowly it has been driven out. I don’t see any punishment of the corrupt in the USA. Get rid of that and maybe a two party democratic system could work again.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Marleen June 2, 2024 / 9:09 pm

          We recently had a conversation, here, wherein someone argued that since a hugely-famous corrupt man* in public and business ventures and fraudulent institutionalized charity (for tax purposes and self-aggrandizement) also was a person who had a mess of a personal and sex life then he should be left alone about it all. There should be more rather than less punishment of the corrupt in this country, especially where it means your riches or infamy won’t exempt you.

          *(the one Fandango will be saying additional negative things about)

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          • Marleen June 2, 2024 / 9:50 pm

            To be fair, it’s not quite the way he said it. But that’s what’s going on.

            Liked by 1 person

        • Fandango June 2, 2024 / 10:09 pm

          It’s not new, it’s just more out in the open and more extreme than it’s ever been, at least in my lifetime.

          It used to be that government corruption was rooted out and those who perpetrated it were punished (e.g., Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew). But today, it goes unpunished, maybe because it’s so common or because any attempt to punish the guilty is called a witch hunt and/or purely political by the other party. So our Congress is more focused on preventing the other party from getting anything done than doing what’s best for the people and the country. It’s party before country.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Marilyn Armstrong June 2, 2024 / 3:06 pm

    I’m not as nice as you. I block them. I just don’t need that kind of crap. There’s enough crap going around these days without inviting more.

    Liked by 1 person

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