Weekend Writing Prompt — Politics As Usual

At the heart of the political maelstrom
Continuants’ lives and livelihoods are at stake
A dance of partisan intransigency occurs
Angry voices rise and fall, fierce and free
A symphony of chaos, a mesmerizing whirl
Drama plays out in the halls of Congress
We are all sucked into the vortex
Destructive forces cause rack and ruin

(Exactly 56 words)

Written for Sammi Cox’s Weekend Writing Prompt, where the word is “maelstrom.”

14 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Prompt — Politics As Usual

    • Fandango September 23, 2023 / 10:56 am

      Thank you Carol Anne.


  1. rugby843 September 23, 2023 / 12:01 pm

    And if we don’t wake up we could all be bowing down to Putin

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

    Liked by 2 people

  2. newepicauthor September 23, 2023 / 12:22 pm

    Is investigating Hunter Biden more important than keeping the government open or are they doing this just to appease Trump?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fandango September 23, 2023 / 1:25 pm

      They’re doing it for Trump and to try to make Biden seem like he’s as big a criminal as Trump is.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. dorahak September 23, 2023 / 12:29 pm

    Politics as usual makes a maelstrom of our lives. Great 56!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. ben Alexander September 24, 2023 / 12:04 am

    Jeez. Tell us how you really feel, Fandango!
    (not that I disagree, mind you)


    Liked by 2 people

  5. leigha66 September 25, 2023 / 3:47 pm

    Can you imagine if they named political storms like hurricanes… we’d be through the alphabet in no time!

    Liked by 3 people

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