Something is Broken

Okay, I’m not saying that I’m a fan of receiving spam comments or comments that go right to trash, but I am used to getting some such comments. Like maybe a few dozen spam comments a day.

I go to check my spam folder periodically to make sure look that no legitimate comments got swept up into spam. If so, I can manually approve them before permanently deleting the remaining real spam comments. But today, for the first time in almost a week, I checked my comments page.

WTF? Not a single spam comment in almost a week? No comments that went directly to trash? can that be?

I never thought I’d ever say that I miss getting spam, but if nothing at all is showing up in my spam folder, could legit comments that occasionally get tagged by Akismet as spam be missed? If they are still being tagged as spam, but aren’t showing up in my spam folder, I won’t have the opportunity to manually remove them from spam and approve them.

Now for the ask

I want to find out if my blog has uniquely been abandoned by spammers or if others (i.e., you guys) are also not getting any new spam. To that end, can you do me a favor? Can you go to Comments on your main menu and let me know if you have any spam comments? Any trash comments? If you do have spam or trash comments, what is the date of the latest spam comment and/or trash comment?

Please let me know in the comments.


24 thoughts on “Something is Broken

  1. newepicauthor September 16, 2023 / 2:48 pm

    People usually only report bad things in news, not normal things, thus making no news good news. If you don’t get spam, it must mean that everything is going well, and as expected. I did have 5 spam comments today, all in a foreign language and on the same post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango September 16, 2023 / 5:48 pm

      I typically get a dozen or more a day. I’ve reached out to the Hapless Engineers to see what they say.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Sadje September 16, 2023 / 3:05 pm

    I get a few spammers every 2-3 days. I have blocked many people, yet they still leave comments that go to the spam. Sometimes, legitimate comments end up there too

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Marilyn Armstrong September 16, 2023 / 4:18 pm

    I found the same thing last night. I’ve never seen it before either. It’s the same today. Is this a glitch? I don’t know.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango September 16, 2023 / 5:49 pm

      It’s a glitch for some, but apparently not for all.


  4. Chrysalis Dreams September 16, 2023 / 6:55 pm

    No spam here either. I’m still new but I was getting more spam than authentic comments.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. bushboy September 16, 2023 / 7:55 pm

    I had one spam comment ( a real doozy too) in the folder. I just looked and it has gone. Sometimes I get comments from regulars in my trash folder who need retrieving. Random people at that, who usually comment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango September 16, 2023 / 8:03 pm

      So you have no spam or trash comments either?

      Liked by 1 person

      • bushboy September 16, 2023 / 8:33 pm

        No I’ll have to see again in the evening

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Destiny September 16, 2023 / 9:45 pm

    17 hours ago, just one but this one came after a long break.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango September 17, 2023 / 4:35 am

      Do you usually have comments that show up in your spam folder?


      • nostalgicitalian September 17, 2023 / 8:53 am

        Yes. Sometimes it’s 5-20. It’s been empty for a bit. I was glad to see your post because I wondered about that too. I usually check spam folder every 2-3 days to empty mine.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Taswegian1957 September 17, 2023 / 2:23 am

    I rarely look so I was surprised t o find almost 80 spam comments from today, 17 September.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango September 17, 2023 / 10:42 am

      What was the date of the most recent spam comment.


  8. writerravenclaw September 17, 2023 / 4:56 am

    I get spam comments, mostly for a post I did over two years ago. Apparently I am full of amazingness.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Jay September 17, 2023 / 5:32 am

    Just checked! My latest was 15 days ago, though that mostly tracks as mine’s a smaller blog and not updated that frequently. I’m curious as to what the Engineers will say, though!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. pensitivity101 September 17, 2023 / 12:29 pm

    I had one spam and one trash comment today, but none yesterday or the day before.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. leigha66 September 17, 2023 / 11:51 pm

    One two days ago, two five days ago then the rest were all 6 days older or more. The spammers on vacation?

    Liked by 2 people

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