Bits and Pieces — September 11, 2023

Just a few bits and pieces that I thought I might share with you today.

Naming Rights

Under a new “parents’ rights” law, lowa teachers must seek parental permission to use children’s nicknames. The law requires teachers to alert parents if a student asks to be addressed by “a name or pronoun” that differs from school records. In emails, parents in Iowa schools are being alerted and must approve if, for example, Kimberly wants to go by “Kim,” or Joseph requested that he be called “Joe.”

Imagine the hubbub if Samantha wants to go by “Sam.”

Low Test Scores

Black students at Florida’s Bunnell Elementary were called into a special assembly and warned that they “could end up being killed or go to jail” if they get low test scores. Superintendent LaShakia
Moore said, “there was no malice” behind the presentation but concedes it was inappropriate. “Sometimes, when you try to think outside the box,” Moore said, “you forget why the box is there!”

I wonder what happens to white students who get low test scores.

Trump’s Trinkets

Donald Trump’s campaign raised $7.1 million in the first 48 hours after he was booked in an Atlanta jail. That included $4.18 million raised the day after the booking, the highest one-day total for the campaign, which is marketing shirts, bumper stickers, and beverage coolers adorned with Trump’s mug shot and the tagline “Never Surrender!”

Well, never surrender until they handcuff him and haul him off to jail.

20 thoughts on “Bits and Pieces — September 11, 2023

  1. Ruth September 11, 2023 / 4:08 am

    ‘I wonder what happens to white students who get low test scores’ you ask – ‘They become Trump supporters’ my naughty brain quipped immediately! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    • Fandango September 11, 2023 / 7:31 am

      Your probably right! 😉


  2. Melissa Lemay September 11, 2023 / 4:36 am

    “Imagine the hubbub if Samantha wants to go by “Sam.”🤣

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Carol anne September 11, 2023 / 5:55 am

    That is ridiculous about the names! Really? Seriously?

    Liked by 3 people

  4. rugby843 September 11, 2023 / 7:47 am

    Did you read Claytoonz today?

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango September 11, 2023 / 8:15 am

      You mean this one? Just looked it up after seeing your comment.


  5. Marleen September 11, 2023 / 9:26 am

    While it appears Iowa is having to concede the more baffling examples of approval for diminutive names, the target is something like Sally wanting to be called Butch. I think it’s okay for parents to have a clue that their child might have medical questions or issues or consequences or questions. In most cases, Alexandra asking to be called Alex or Harrison wanting to be Harry, will be a perfunctory, “Sure.”

    Sophie (37): My gender was secretly changed as a baby and I wasn’t told until I was 22 [after finding out on accident because doctors had told my parents to never tell me — I was born a boy, XY, with a split penis (and with testes and no ovaries) which penis then, at two-days-old, was removed].

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lolsy's Library September 13, 2023 / 6:04 am

      What happened to Sophie though, isn’t because of a nickname. Its because that Doctor “decided” to do what was best for that Doctor. Instead of letting Sophie be until she decided what was best for her. Sophie is intersex, that’s not the same as a nickname. Sophie is proof that parents don’t always get it right. Imagine just “pretending” that that didn’t happen to your child, and that you let that happen.
      If a parent needs a “‘clue”, then quiet frankly that makes them a sucky parent.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Marleen September 13, 2023 / 3:05 pm

        Parents like that aren’t like I would be, but the focus to me is the kids. In other words, I would have allowed myself to question — and potentially disagree with and not comply with — the doctor(s). Of course that conflicts with “trust the science” being taken to mean you do what you’re told (which is what they did with regard to their medical advice from the professionals). What happened to Sophie has been pretty standard for decades (as standard as can be when the presentations at birth are varied from person to person). Additionally… this particular case was, at least in part, not one where you wait until years later. A functioning urethra [and probably not two going in different directions] is a necessary part of life. I’m pretty sure Sophie is not intersex… all given facts indicate* otherwise (and that “she” as per birth certificate) was indeed born male but with a definitively badly-formed, which terminology I would normally avoid but which seems unavoidable here, penis. Now, whatever the parents did in such a high-pressure situation when their baby was two days old, what matters is when they are going to buck the instruction (disobey the authorities so to speak). Sophie has no bitterness because she knows her parents did what they thought was right, and because they did explain things when Sophie asked. But imagine if some other set of physicians whisked her away, instead, and subjected her to their all-new stuff thou shalt do? In the states, at least, there is no overarching data base. Without parental input, no one would have known what the scenario had been.

        * If there has been additional news about Sophie,
        I have not seen it. Note the facts given.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Lolsy's Library September 13, 2023 / 6:06 am

      The Tories hate trans people as much as the Republican’s, it is a possibility. The Tories have already tried to pass “Laws” that would “force” teachers out trans kids, they only got stopped by Human Rights.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. leigha66 September 11, 2023 / 3:38 pm

    Got to love (cough, choke, sputter) “Covid Kim” in Iowa. Can’t wait for a chance to vote her out in 2026! All shameful facts!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango September 11, 2023 / 10:28 pm

      Much of America has slipped into insanity.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Maria Michaela September 12, 2023 / 7:04 am

    This is all crazy. The money raised in the campaign could be put to better use but of course it won’t be.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango September 12, 2023 / 8:23 am

      No, it just lines the pockets of those who are already corrupt.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Lolsy's Library September 13, 2023 / 5:59 am

    Imagine the hubbub if Samantha wants to go by “Sam.”
    I think that’s who they’re trying to aim it at, attack trans youth.

    Liked by 1 person

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